George Soros plots against pro-life laws in Catholic countries

Wednesday, 24 August, 2016 - 14:00

Secret documents reveal a billionaire's global strategy to promote abortion in every country on earth.

According to internal documents released by, billionaire financier George Soros is funding a three-year plan to eradicate pro-life laws around the world.

The leaked document belongs to Soros' Open Societies Foundations and reveals its 2016-2019 strategy for "women's rights." The plan is to first hit hard in Ireland, and use Ireland as a model to dismantle right-to-life protections in "other strongly Catholic countries."

“With one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world, a win there could impact other strongly Catholic countries in Europe, such as Poland, and provide much needed proof that change is possible, even in highly conservative places,” the document reads.

For decades, Ireland has been a stronghold for the pro-life movement. In 1983, Ireland passed the Eighth Amendment to its constitution, upholding "the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate that right.”

Soros' New York City-based Open Foundations document focuses on repealing the pro-life Eighth Amendment, with heavy funding for the Abortion Rights Campaign, Amnesty International Ireland, and the Irish Family Planning Association "to work collectively on a campaign to repeal Ireland's (Eighth) constitutional amendment."

"George Soros is a major league abortion enthusiast who has funded abortion groups generously through his philanthropies," Matthew Vadum, senior vice president of Capital Research Center in Washington, D.C., told LifeSiteNews. "It is not at all surprising that he is trying to undermine Ireland's strong protections for unborn babies."

"Soros' way of thinking is that if heavily Roman Catholic Ireland's law can be overturned, similar laws in other Catholic countries will fall like dominoes," Vadum explained.  "This is how he does things."

Cara Sherlock of Ireland's Pro-Life Campaign told the Catholic News Agency (CNA) that pro-abortionists outside her country are fighting "to impose their agenda on Ireland" because Ireland is a thorn in the pro-abortion movement's side. “Ireland’s excellent record of safety in pregnancy for women without recourse to abortion is a major source of embarrassment to abortion campaigners, as it completely undermines their argument that abortion somehow helps women.”

"Ireland has demonstrated that it’s possible to ban abortion and also be a world leader in protecting the lives of pregnant women," Sherlock said, noting also that "Thousands of Irish citizens are alive today thanks to this law.”

Soros' strategy is to create and/or fund “a robust set of organizations advancing and defending sexual and reproductive rights and injecting new thinking/strategy into the field," which will “stem, mitigate and reverse the tide of fetal personhood laws and constitutional amendments."

Sherlock added that outside interference is an insult to the Irish citizens. “The idea that an outside body would fund and organize groups in Ireland to dismantle Ireland’s protection for the unborn child would represent a gross interference and total contempt for the Irish people.”

“One thing is certain. Those pushing abortion in Ireland have vast resources that they didn’t have just a few years ago," she said.

The leaked document reveals a sense of urgency on the part of abortion activists because of a growing liberal movement in the country. Recently, Ireland legalized homosexual "marriage," so the Soros' foundations document concludes that legalization of same-sex "marriage" presents “valuable and timely opportunities to advance the (pro-abortion) campaign.”

Ireland's The Life Institute's Niamh Ui Bhriain explained that pro-abortionists target Ireland because the country proves conclusively that abortion is harmful to women.  "Ireland’s experience in banning abortion is hugely important for the global pro-life community," Bhriain wrote. "According to the United Nations, Ireland, without recourse to abortion, is the safest place in the world for a mother to have a baby."

"The Irish experience shows that abortion is never necessary," Bhriain explained. "Irish medical experts have testified that their experience shows abortion is not needed to preserve the lives of mothers — whatever conditions arise during pregnancy."

"Our record proves that we best serve mothers and babies when our laws protect unborn human life."

The Open Societies Foundation's document also notes financing abortion activism in Europe, Mexico, Zambia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Latin America, stating "For women to take their full place as citizens, they must be able to control their bodies."

Soros is considered the 16th wealthiest person in the United States, worth nearly $25 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Another major abortion backer for Ireland is American billionaire Chuck Feeney. Companies that fund abortion activism in Ireland include Google, Microsoft, the Ford Foundation, Pfizer, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs.

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