Western liberal totalitarianism: friendly and subordinate fascism
Today, many people often speak about crisis of Europe. However, meaning of this term varies depending on point of view and position of speaker....
Russia now has an ideology: traditional values and historical enlightenment. Additionally, it asserts Russia as a state-civilization (the Russian...
With the days moving on, global coronavirus cases are notably increasing in rate, as the neoliberal world grinds to a halt with serious implications...
The war against Russia is currently the most discussed issue in the West. At this point it is only a suggestion and a possibility, but it can become...
With hybrid tribunals, the danger is that the multitude, being a collective image of a judiciary instance, would not act in interests of nations and...
From Great Israel to Great Albania
Prologue: the Anatomy Lesson of Carl Schmitt and Robert Steuckers[1]
Without power, righteousness cannot flourish,
without righteousness, the world...
The presence of an enemy is essential to the equilibrium of the human being: from time immemorial, every tribe and every society has created a...
The upcoming presidential elections in the United States, scheduled for 5 November 2024, hold absolute significance. The outcome of these elections...
Under the apocalyptic postmodern condition, every thinking being is obsessed/ preoccupied with one existential question: What comes after liberal...