EU rescues the University of Soros


The European Union stated that it had started an legal action against Hungary. The reason was the introduction of amendments to the law on education by the government of the country, which hampered in particular the work of the Central European University, founded personally by George Soros.

The importance of the Central European University

Central European University was founded by George Soros in 1991. It is one of the leading educational centers of modern Europe, providing indoctrination of intellectuals with liberal ideas, training cadres for TNCs and international bureaucracy (including European one) and promoting left-liberal concepts in European and world higher schools, and indirectly in the media. It trains more than 1500 students from 117 countries. Central European University is one of the most important centers of liberal hegemony on the European continent.

Orban’s reforms

The amendments themselves are aimed at eliminating the unjustified privileges that the Soros University used before. Now universities with dual citizenship like the Central European (which operates in Hungary but is registered in the US) are required to have campuses both in the country of registration and in Hungary. Since in the state of New York, where Soros registered his university, he does not have a campus, then the Central European University will not be able to work in Hungary from January next year until such a campus is built in the US. In addition, the activities of foreign universities in Hungary will now be governed by bilateral agreements with the governments of the respective foreign states. This means that the fate of the Central European University will now depend on the team of Donald Trump, whom Soros previously openly challenged, financing massive anti-Tramp protest rallies in the United States. In addition, now all employees of the university must obtain a work permit in Hungary.

The EU is rushing to the rescue

The US State Department has already stated that it is not going to interfere in the confrontation of Hungary with the Central European University. Seeing that things are bad for the cause, European officials have undertaken urgent actions. The European Commission sent a warning letter to the Government of Hungary. Now Hungary has a month to prepare an answer. Soros and the European bureaucracy represent the same left-liberal elite. It is no coincidence that this initiative of the Hungarian government caused even more irritation in Brussels than the confrontation with Budapest on migration issues.

The confrontation is accompanied by massive protests of liberals in Budapest and a media attack against the Hungarian government. Liberal media and representatives of universities in Europe and the US called for the support of the Central European University.

Orban vs. Soros

However, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has already said that the changes in the legislation formally have nothing to do with his country's confrontation with Soros. Orban accused him of supporting mass migration to Europe and attempts to destabilize the euro. The statement of the European Commission coincided with Orban's speech to the European Parliament, where the Hungarian Prime Minister spoke in support of legislative initiatives restricting the right of migrants to asylum. Soros repeatedly becomes the scope of attacks Orban, who himself in his youth studied under his program, but became recently a tough critic of the financial speculator.

Another bill has also been sent to the Hungarian parliament, forcing all NGOs to report on receiving financing from abroad. First of all, as the supporters and critic of the bill say, it is directed against those who receive money from the Open Society Foundation. The purpose of the bill is to reduce the influence of foreign NGOs on Hungarian politics. All the actions that Orban is taking against Soros are aimed at strengthening the sovereignty of the country and reflect the conflict of two worldviews - a liberal cosmopolitan worldview of "open society" and an identitarian national-statist one.