Leonid Savin

Geopolitical analyst, Chief editor of Geopolitica.ru (from 2008), founder and chief editor of Journal of Eurasian Affairs (eurasianaffairs.net); head of the administration of International "Eurasian movement". Former Chief editor of Katehon site and magazine (2015 - 2017).

Director of the Foundation of monitoring and forecasting of development for the cultural-territorial spaces (FMPRKTP).

Author of numerous books on geopolitics, conflicts, international relations and political philosophy issued in Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Serbia and Iran.

Author publications

Title Datetrier par ordre croissant Language
Sur l'essence et les fonctions du pouvoir 30.11.2021 French
Hedgemony: O Novo Jogo de Tabuleiro desenvolvido para o Pentágono 29.11.2021 Portuguese, Brazil
Grey Zone: a theoretical concept and strategic tool of the West 29.11.2021 English
L'OTAN développe des techniques de guerre cognitive 23.11.2021 French
Sur l'ingérence de la Grande-Bretagne en Amérique latine 22.11.2021 French
The Real Grey Zone 12.11.2021 English
The USA is targeting us all, the Eurasian Alliance must be strengthened 10.11.2021 English
NATO Developed New Methods of Cognitive Warfare 05.11.2021 English
La OTAN desarrolla nuevos métodos de guerra cognitiva 01.11.2021 Spanish
The Three Seas Initiative And Global Britain 12.10.2021 English
L'UE tente de s'implanter dans la région indo-pacifique 06.10.2021 French
EU dringt Indo-Pacifische regio binnen 04.10.2021 Dutch
How Much Will It Cost To Enlarge NATO? 24.09.2021 English
US Deterrence And The Weaponisation Of Space 09.09.2021 English
The ANZUS Security Treaty At 70 02.09.2021 English
Japan’s Defence White Paper 30.07.2021 English
Greenpeace e Greta Thunberg: O Ecologismo como Arma do Globalismo 28.07.2021 Portuguese, Brazil
L'écologie comme arme du mondialisme 27.07.2021 French
Ecology As A Weapon Of Globalism 22.07.2021 English
La nuova strategia russa per la sicurezza nazionale 16.07.2021 Italian
Russia’s New National Security Strategy 15.07.2021 English
L'Unione Europea pronta ad aiutare gli Stati Uniti a contrastare la Cina 25.06.2021 Italian
EU Ready To Help US Counter China 23.06.2021 English
Géopolitique pour les Geeks 11.06.2021 French
