Conservative groups from all over the world including in US have unanimously disapproved Trump's horrible action. It is a kind of wonder. Nobody expected such unanimity. It is a sign of the growth of real global Resistance with cold responsibility and a kind of common denominator.
That is anti-Swamp pole emerging before our eyes. Breitbart (rather allusively), Ron Paul, Alt-right, AfD, Lega Nord, Marine Le Pen and hundreds and hundreds of conservative people and movements have met that Trump's act with indignation. The time is coming when we will create step by step the real ideological common platform based on vision of multipolarity and alternative world future in front of liberal totalitarianism and neocons hegemony.
The Syria and Russia are symbols. The russophily is not necessary - but what is necessary -- real patriotism and the radical rejection of globalism. Trump was important figure of common struggle. He is no more. But the essential is already proved: American People is awakening. The people for conservatives does matter more than anything else. And those are their leaders who truthfully represent the People, the People as living historic entity with the identity, tradition and culture. Conservatives are becoming mature.