Yunus Soner - It’s on Eurasian countries to help Turkey leave NATO


Yunus Soner. Chairman of International bureau, workers party of Turkey

There are different degrees of being in the NATO. Before cancelling the treaty we have a lot to do. First of all, US bases in Turkey should be closed. Additionally, our defense industry, which is now very connected to the NATO defense industry, should re-orient towards China or Russia. One thing is very important: id the Eurasian countries want to support this process, they need to take the side of Turkey concerning the fight of Turkey against PKK. It is the main reason, why we are moving away from NATO. NATO wants to divide our country, and this forces Turkish government and all Turkish patriotic forces to question the role of NATO. Eurasian countries will be well advised to position themselves on the side of the Turkish unity and thus support the process of pulling Turkey away from NATO in different areas.