In the end of October 2019, The Danish government chose to go against the interests of Washington D.C. when they gave permission to Russian Gazprom...
Currently, the authorities and society, beyond the war, are mainly concerned with how to adapt to the new conditions. What is new about these...
The US struggling to recover as a result of the economic downturn and global isolation triggered by the Coronavirus, Beijing senses American...
Some observers have speculated that Baku is competing with Moscow, but this interpretation either ignores what President Aliyev told Russian media...
Week ago, Chairperson of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority, General Asim Saleem Bajwa, announced the completion of fiber optic cables...
In 1947 when Pakistan came into being Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan as a sovereign state and at that time both countries were in...
Thus, the U.S. mode of existence has become geopolitically conceptualized as a simultaneous correlation of liberal-democratic values and strategic...
Before starting to talk about counter-hegemony, we must turn to Antonio Gramsci, who introduced the concept of hegemony into the broad scientific...
Russia needs to gently raise the issue of India’s encouragement of Pakistani Baloch separatism with New Delhi behind closed doors, seeing as how its...
India’s Gambit
“The Swamp” is to become the new name for the globalist sect, the open society adepts, LGBT maniacs, Soros’ army, the post-humanists, and so on....
The first part of this chapter addressed the continent’s history up until the end of the Cold War, while the final half will discuss the broader...