A Multipolar World for International Peace and Neutrality
UWI documents in the following days some speeches delivered in the congress. Today we publish the presentation of Erdem İlker Mutlu, professor at the Hacettepe University in Ankara.
UWI documents in the following days some speeches delivered in the congress. Today we publish the presentation of Erdem İlker Mutlu, professor at the Hacettepe University in Ankara.
In the name of Allah the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate: “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another.”
We will continue to work together with our allies, partners and like-minded persons from Global South and Eastern states for the sake of forging a more equitable multipolar world order that would reflect the cultural and civilisational diversity of the world. It would also aim to ensure the entire humanity’s well-being and prosperity, rather than those of certain representatives of elites from the countries of the Golden Billion alone.
Secularism, with its neglect and negation of the sacred, is the most important notion in referring to the identity of the new culture and civilization of the West.
It’s a great pleasure to speak at the Multipolarity Forum. Why “multipolarity” is so important? Because its opposite “unipolarity” is immoral, unjust and outdated. Under the unipolarity, virtually everything, from dollars to trade to technologies to climate change, can be weaponized, and sanctions, missiles and color revolutions are the norms and used routinely at will, causing wars, havocs and untold human sufferings for millions upon millions of people, and this order has to be changed and will be changed.
I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Russian government and our friends here for allowing me to be a part of this program.
The compassion we are speaking of, this rahma that marks the beginning of every sura of the Coran, was translated as “true charity” or “ purest love” by famous Catholic prelates and French theologians of the XVIIth century.
In the autumn of 1920, the final act of Russia's civil war took place in Crimea. In an extraordinary effort to save them from the Bolsheviks, General Wrangel had the remnants of the army and all the civilians who had been able to find a place on the imperial fleet evacuated in just a few days. The first port of call was Constantinople.
The Second Congeress of the International Russophile Movement (IRM) held in Moscow on 26-27 Feburary 2024, has set the stage for multipolarity, inclusiveness and pluralism in the global level, with the denial of the liberal international order, particients of the congress has rejected the universalizaiton of the Western modernity.
The West has racistly and imperialistically identified itself with humanity. There was a time when Britain claimed all seas and oceans as its own. Western civilisation declared all of humanity its property — primarily its consciousness. This led to the formation of a unipolar world.