Total mobilization

"return to the true self," to the true us

"return to the true self," to the true us

I was not a member of the militia myself. We started humanitarian work back in May 2014, and then two of my colleagues went to war. Alexey Markov, commander of the "Ghosts" battalion, was tragically killed in a car accident, and Pyotr (his code name "Arkadievich") resigned from his post as commander of the 4th brigade of the People's Militia of the LPR last year due to health issues. 

We are Facing Total Chaos in its Purest Form

We are Facing Total Chaos in its Purest Form

It's a great honor for me to participate in this discussion. I'm not a philosopher, and in a way I'm as ignorant about it as any ordinary poet. I'm kidding, of course. I'm going to share my observations. They are in line with the thoughts and ideas that Alexander Dugin has just formulated. Alexander Gel'evich, I have great respect for your works and for your daughter Daria's ideas.