
Anticipating the turn: “right-wing anti-capitalism”

Anticipating the turn: “right-wing anti-capitalism”

During the pandemic and politically tense year 2020 (which is now perceived almost as the last century), Alexander Dugin conversed with Dimitri Rode on Aurora Radio. Their text, now published as a book “Right-wing anti-capitalism. Paths of a Sovereign Thought”, was published in a different historical situation. It is even more interesting to reread and rethink these 22 conversations (the number, of course, is not accidental: its symbolism is well known to connoisseurs of Tradition). It would be more correct to call them philosophical dialogues: D.V. Rode (and in one of the conversations also A.V. Kazakov) do not act as passive interviewers, but as accomplices of Socratic maieutics, expressing their own opinions and contributing to the discovery of truth in a philosophical conversation.