Foreign Policy

Realism in International Relations

Realism in International Relations

Realists believe that human nature is inherently flawed (a legacy of Hobbes’ anthropological pessimism, and even deeper, echoes of Christian notions of the fall from grace — lapsus in Latin) and cannot be fundamentally corrected. Therefore, egoism, predation, and violence are ineradicable. From this, it is concluded that only a strong state can restrain and organise humans (who, according to Hobbes, are wolves to each other). The state is inevitable and carries the highest sovereignty. Moreover, the state projects the predatory and selfish nature of humans, hence a national state has its interests which are its only considerations.

UAE as a potential power pole

UAE as a potential power pole

The modern world order is moving toward multipolarity, so many countries have a claim to be a pole of power and influence in the international arena. These days, the rapidly developing countries in East Asia and the Middle East are quite actively showing their ambitions. One such country is the United Arab Emirates. The UAE, thanks to its resources and active development of some industries, is already making an impact on the world community. The country's foreign policy is undergoing changes related to both the international situation and the increase in its capabilities.