
The philosophical sobor «The great Russian rectification of names»


On February 24, 2022, Russia was forced to launch a special military operation (SMO) to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine. The SMO had not only geopolitical, military and ethical prerequisites. In order to understand the significance of the SMO, it should be viewed in the larger context of Russian culture, Russian history, and Russian philosophy, which has its own tradition of reflection on war.

Courage as a Fundamental Virtue in the Transition to Multipolarity

Courage as a Fundamental Virtue in the Transition to Multipolarity

If we place our feet on the Hellenic tradition, which has relevance for European civilization, but also for other nearby or related civilizations, such as Ibero-America, we will see the emphasis given by philosophers like Aristotle to the virtue of courage (ἀνδρεία). Considered the Spartans' highest virtue, as we can deduce from Plutarch's Sayings of the Spartans, according to Aristotle, the virtue of courage involved a willingness to face a serious but not hopeless existential risk for the sake of a worthy end.