See also

I consider Martin Heidegger as greatest philosopher. But there is explicit part in his writings and implicit. He has devellopped the philosophical...

Alexander Dugin, Russian philosopher, and public intellectual about multipolarity, russian identity and the liberal hegemony      

Today let's talk about philosophy and more specifically about nominalism.

Alexander Dugin: What is tradition? Law 809, which has been talked about a lot today, is a turning point. We are generally living in a new era. This...

With the onset of Russia’s vast military operation on the territory of Ukraine, the whole world entered a decisive phase of its history. And just as...

A Critique of Olavo de Carvalho's Work in tandem with a Refutation of Western Logocentrism

Aleksandr Dugin on Liberalism, Traditionalism & the 4th Political Theory Gnostic Warrior Maurice "Moe" Bedard

After this methodological digression, let us return to the problem posed at the beginning: does this generalised figure of the 'Antichrist', which we...

What is the semiotic structure of Traditionalism, i.e. of Tradition - or, if you like, of the 'primordial tradition'? This structure represents, with...

Normativism aims to be a very comprehensive doctrine, and for that reason, standing from the Fourth Political Theory, I made a critique of the main...

Progressive liberals have developed hypocritical duplicity into a fine art, and this is one of the reasons why traditionalists and conservatives will...

At this point, we should raise a very important question: what kind of ideology should we use in our opposition to globalisation and its liberal...

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