See also

The Election Battle of 2016 is still raging in the United States but already many are beginning to discuss contingency plans for the possibility of a...

On 16 April 2019, The Washington Post published an article titled “Why far-right nationalists like Steve Bannon have embraced a Russian ideologue....

The person and the individual: distinguishing the concepts    

When we reject the political philosophy of the Mother, we do not fall into nothingness and chaos. We still have two very effective political-...

The Maastricht Treaty that laid the formal groundwork for the present-day European Union was signed on 7 February 1992, only six weeks after the...

I admire Italy, or more precisely the many societies, cultures, peoples, and states comprising the history of Italy from the Etruscans and Roman...

The European elites are really clinging to their global structure because they feel and fear the resistance. We can see the strengthening of the...

We see that liberalism was a beautiful and enchanting dissident to communism and we were to different degrees hijacked by its beauty. However, when...

The Fourth Political Theory, upon recognising its preliminarily outlined structures, could become more systematic and detailed by examining some...

A Traditionalist Diagnosis of Dutch Post-Modernity

The right-wing is already in any society. Artificial states were created in Europe after the Second World War that do not have any connection with...

I consider Martin Heidegger as greatest philosopher. But there is explicit part in his writings and implicit. He has devellopped the philosophical...

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