Pakistan witnesses the largest political crisis in recent years. Leaders of the main opposition parties called on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to step...
The latest reports indicate that the SAARC Summit has been either cancelled or postponed, but the below analysis is still relevant in understanding...
As we are speaking about the media, which is a set of instruments that is related to the formation of a narrative and a message that is then sent to...
“While every news-outlet in Pakistan fell into the trap of Avi Scharf’s propaganda against Pakistan, Israeli PM Natenyahu paid a secret...
Russo-Indian deal for sale of S-400 Triumf air defense systems was initially signed in an intergovernmental agreement reached during 17th Indo-...
The influential Indian online opinion outlet Daily O is reviving the old narrative that the Khalistani cause is supposedly backed by Pakistan and...
Interview with Pakistani ambassador to Serbia Syed Adil Gilani.
- We may start with the recent important anniversary. Pakistan and Serbia mark 70...
The first of May was marked by the 70-year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and the USSR (Russia is the...
Despite Russian efforts to de-escalate Indo Pak tensions, India has tried to down play it due to her hegemonic attitude and frustration with the...
Since the start of the diplomatic relationships with the colonial camps, Pakistan has always been in the American side and assisted them time and...
Pakistan-Turkey relations are on the revamp after decades of stagnation. Both countries have traditionally enjoyed close and cordial relations. The...