See also

On April 6, 2020, Pak-Afghan border was opened for four days, from land crossings at Torkham and Chaman amid fear of the spread of coronavirus. This...

To journalists, many states and media associations provide legal protections so they can exercise the right to report the news accurately and present...

Which caused considerable controversy, over a quarter of a hundred of the individuals and companies have been sanctioned by the US for purported...

Believe it or not but Pakistan, a country of 200 million people, in the eye of the terrorism storm for the last three decades, has no National...

Interview with Pakistani ambassador to Serbia Syed Adil Gilani. - We may start with the recent important anniversary. Pakistan and Serbia mark 70...

In the aftermath of the attack on the Indian army base in Kashmir, Pakistan has been accused of conducting a proxy war.

From violating Pakistan’s airspace to the ground space, India has been blatantly threatening the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan. In 2016,...

Before dealing with the Russian prospective investments in Pakistan, I would like to shed some light on drivers of the evolution of the new...

The Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) host special event Margalla Dialogue on November 13-14. The Dialogue distinguishes itself in its...

From the U2 scandal to the killing of Usman bin Laden, Pakistan as a country has been seen in negative terms in the international news which in turn...

Pakistan was first placed on the grey list by the FATF in June, 2018 and was given a plan of action to complete it by October, 2019. Since then,...

Extremism is engulfing international politics. Growing extremism has become another threat to international peace. Pakistan is also among one of...

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