See also

Iran is going to buy Russian weapons of various kinds, among which there are T-90 battle tanks, artillery systems, aircraft and helicopters. In total...

“They make their plans and weave their strategies. But also God does it. God is the Lord of strategies.”

Anchor: Omar Khalid Butt Guest: Leonid Savin (Director Foundation for Monitoring and Forecasting, chief editor of Producers: Aamir...

We meet the scholar Alessandro Fanetti, author of the book “Russia: in search of the lost power” (Edizioni Eiffel, 2021) [1], to face the reality of...

In essence, we are changing our ideology for the third time in 35 years. Until the early 1990s, society was under the dictatorship of Marxism-...

The European Union is concerned over the prospects of a resumption of the “Turkish Stream” pipeline construction. Reuters has reported this, citing a...

The XV BRICS summit made a historic decision to admit 6 more countries into the organisation - Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the...

The Polish Ukrainian community has decided to uphold the autonomous status of Lviv. Moreover, according to their opinion, this autonomous Lviv region...

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has reported that the agreements on the supply of wheat grain have been reached within the Russian-...

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

America is not just a continent which, more or less randomly, takes place in the far West on the maps of the world, but at the same time is,...

 In Moscow, a meeting of the CIS countries’ defense ministers is beginning. 

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