Alexander Dugin reveals the deep state as a corrupt Western cabal, infiltrating the U.S. and Europe to manipulate elections, crush populist leaders...
"BRICS is a dialogue of cultures," while the West is still outside BRICS because it insists that there are no cultures and civilizations other than...
The First Russian TV channel Tsargrad launched a new TV project "The ABC of Traditional Values". A series of expert talks by three Russian thinkers...
The last few days have seen a significant shift in the balance of power in Ukraine. This must be understood in its entirety.
Robert Steuckers is a Belgian translator, theorist and writer, who was once close to the New Right more than 30 years ago, and who knows Alexander...
The course aims to offer an in-depth understanding of the Fourth Political Theory of the philosopher, sociologist and political scientist Professor...
Alexander Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous, the Ukrainian government murdered his...
Let us trace the influence of Hegel’s philosophy on the theory of international relations. This is most evident in Marxism and liberalism, while...
What happened at the XV BRICS Summit in Johannesburg is truly historic. Even if the President of Russia, the founder of BRICS, did not take part in...
(speech of Alexander Dugin in Turkey, July 2018)
I would like to commemorate the memory of all the heroes who have fallen defending the sovereignty...
The inevitable transfer of power away from the west is leading to a surge in state-sponsored terrorism, but this will do little to reverse the trend
The South Caucasus poses a serious problem for Russia. The same goes for the entire near regions, with the exception of Belarus. Only with Minsk are...