Walt Garlington

Walt Garlington is a chemical engineer turned writer (and, when able, a planter). He makes his home in Louisiana of Dixie and is editor of the 'Confiteri: A Southern Perspective' web site.'

Author publications

Title Datesort ascending Language
L’ossessione dei globalisti per Carlo Magno 08.05.2023 Italian
La maledizione di Ham 02.05.2023 Italian
The Curse of Ham 24.04.2023 English
La vera città sulla collina 28.03.2023 Italian
The True City on a Hill 27.03.2023 English
Gli Yankees mentono 15.03.2023 Italian
‘Yankees Lie’ 14.03.2023 English
Aiuto e consolazione per la Siria 01.03.2023 Italian
Help and Consolation for Syria 28.02.2023 English
La guerra in Ucraina sovvertirà l'élite occidentale anticristiana? 29.12.2022 Italian
Il modello costituzionale occidentale sta portando all'instabilità nel mondo 22.12.2022 Italian
‘The Western Constitutional Model Is Driving Instability in the World’ 21.12.2022 English
The Tragedy of Brussels and the West 03.11.2022 English
Alma Negra: A Bruxa Ianque na Política Mundial 05.09.2022 Portuguese, Brazil
Anima nera: la strega yankee nella politica mondiale 31.08.2022 Italian
Dark Anima: The Yankee Witch in World Politics 29.08.2022 English
Giappone e Dixie: cosa hanno in comune due popoli soggiogati dall'impero yankee 28.06.2022 Italian
Japan and Dixie: What Two Peoples Subjugated by the Yankee Empire Have in Common 27.06.2022 English
Restituire la sanità spirituale agli Stati Uniti 16.06.2022 Italian
Returning Spiritual Sanity to the United States 15.06.2022 English
La Lega di San Brendano 02.06.2022 Italian
The League of Saint Brendan 02.06.2022 English
Who Will Fight for Freedom in the US? 03.03.2022 English
In Defense of the South 01.02.2022 English
America’s Absent Mission 05.01.2022 English
