Life Under Sanctions: The Income To Housing Price Ratio Game


I lost track of how many “crushing” rounds of economic sanctions the Global American Empire and its vassal states placed on Russia. So far as I can tell from a distance, the combined effect, while perhaps causing minor inconveniences here and there, has been to act as a kind of externally imposed protective tariff. Similar results have been seen in North Korea, Iran, and elsewhere. Those actions, along with the idiotic decoupling of Russia from SWIFT appear to have opened the floodgates of Russian, Sino-Russian, and BRICS+ expansion and prosperity. But who knows? Maybe the neoliberal satanists are just one more set of “crushing” sanctions away from reestablishing their collapsing global dominion. Their tactics have, however, proved remarkably effective in and against their host nations. 

Having just read Dr. Fadi Lama’s excellent new book, Why The West Can’t Win, I highly recommend it—a tale of how the “Money Powers”, as Dr. Lama aptly calls them, helped hijack and destroy the West while simultaneously weaponizing Western nations and peoples against the rest of the world. Don’t worry; for the majority of humanity, it is an optimistic appraisal. The Money Powers and their hosts are losing, as evidenced by the failure of their international sanctions and their pitiful inability to comprehend real geostrategic issues. But Dr. Lama’s conclusion, on the very last page, did remind me of my title subject matter:

“The chickens have come home to roost. The oppression inflicted by the Money Powers against humanity will now be directed internally. Until people in the Western Realm revolt against this miniscule parasitic financial “elite” that oppresses them, and recover their civilizations and sovereignty, the best depiction of their future would be George Orwell’s statement in 1984: 

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

The wicked overlords of the fading West are losing and they are extremely desperate. That partially explains their constant thrashing about lately, trying to kill, maim, oppress, and destroy anyone and anything they can while they still can. The time rapidly approaches when they will, as Lama hints, only have one class of victims left, their hosts in the West. Interestingly enough, they’ve been softening us up for some time. This leads me to the ratio game. I have previously tried to play it with my American fellows as it directly concerns us. Today, I share it with you in the wider, sovereign, multipolar world. 

First, a word about money itself. You, in Russia, China, or Iran, have money. It may be based on gold or some other commodity, or it may be treated like a public utility. However, it is generally accounted for, it is real, and it is under the control of the people’s government. We have the opposite in the United States. It’s a little tricky to explain, but, statistically, there is no real money in the GAE economy. The vast majority of what passes for money is the utter nothingness magically conjured by the commercial banks in the form of hundreds of trillions of fake dollars (possibly even quadrillions). Both the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have spoken to this financial necromancy: all US/UK “money” is based on debt; all of the debt is fake, and; the fake money for the fake debt is created by the fake debt itself. Lama mentions a “virtual reality” foisted on the West by the Money Powers and he isn’t wrong. This psychotic arrangement only benefits the wicked elites who control the illusion, and it allows them to steadily siphon off all productive capacity and real value from the besieged economy. It is usury charged on usury without any pretense of relaxation, remission, or forgiveness as demanded by our Lord Jesus Christ and His Father. Many see it as a form of perpetual slavery, though Cato would have rightly described it as a slow form of mass murder.

For America, it’s been a long time getting to where we are now, at least 110 years—from the Federal Reserve Act, to the death of the real Dollar, to Bretton Woods, to the Petrodollar fantasy, to the doomed insanity of today. A hallmark of our transition has been the constant increase in the price of everything. Everything, that is, except incomes. Now comes the “game,” which is more sobering than fun.

I like to play it based on comparing incomes to housing prices. However, it also works with other large purchase price items—automobiles, healthcare, executive compensation, higher “education,” etc. It works essentially the same with many smaller items, such as shirts, gasoline, toys, and cigars. Conversely, it even works if one assumes the Dollar had remained in some way tied to gold, silver, or something other than lies, threats, and satanic voodoo. 

Back around 1952, the average annual income in the US was $6,850 (or $3.425 per hour). And the cost of the average house was $9,075. Thus, a man’s annual wage was approximately 75% of the cost of his home. Back then, the US minimum wage floated somewhere between $.75 and $1 per hour. We’ll call it 25% of the average ordinary wage or approximately $1,700 per year. 

By around 1970, the ratio had fallen to the average income being only 40% of the cost of the average house. The last time I ran a modern extrapolation, which wasn’t long ago, and used available 2022 numbers, I found the average house cost about $400,000, while the average income was only $37,500 ($18.75 per hour). The minimum wage remained stagnant at $14,500 per year ($7.25/hour). A year later, it’s even worse.

Right now, the average home in the US sells for approximately $500,000. Please note that the US homes of today, while a little larger, are in no observable way better than those from 1952. The change came from the sad transition from industrial to financial capitalism which had the effect of unnaturally inflating the cost of everything (except incomes). And again, wages remain essentially unchanged. Minimum wages have not changed at all, though, for rounding purposes, I’ll boost the average ordinary income to a flat $40,000 per year. With the help of a calculator, we see that housing prices have increased 55 times over the last 70 years. Meanwhile, average wages have only increased by a factor of 5.84. In other words, while commercial banks and hedge funds get richer by the second, the purchasing power of the average American worker is one-tenth of what it was. He is markedly poorer than he was and he is becoming poorer still. If the ratios of 1952 still held, then the average annual income would be $375,000 and the average minimum income would be $93,750. Even going by the less robust metrics of 1970, the average American should earn $200,000. The Money Powers’ solution to this decline is, of course, more fake debt, more slavery, and more murder. 

For a contemporary Russian comparison—a rather inexact science, I understand—I briefly consulted available salary offers at and a few real estate listing agencies in greater suburban Moscow. I found a wide variety of prices in both categories. I seek the reader’s indulgence, but it appears to me that the Russian market is more in line with the US of 1970, and perhaps even sometime between then and 1952. If your fate was ours, it would be as if you had earned 1,000,000 Rubles per year and lived in a 3,500,000 Ruble house, only to discover your salary had increased to 6,000,000(!) but the new house you want costs 200,000,000 Rubles. All other costs would have risen accordingly. And your taxes would have increased. And your benefits would have evaporated. And your country would have been conquered by people who really really hate you…

To be completely honest, ours is a terrible game that no one should play. Stick to your sanctions and avoid ours. I understand that no system is perfect and that many people in Russia face some cost of living uncertainty. I urge my friends in Eurasia to weather the temporary storm and trust that these aggravations are more like birth pangs that ultimately lead to a new era of prosperity and harmony. As for my beloved Americans, while they are not exactly wicked or stupid people, they have allowed rather extreme evil to metastasize on their collective watch. One does wonder when they will start to revolt and rebel as Dr. Lama, Professor Alexander Dugin, and many others wisely suggest. That quandary is a discussion for perhaps another day.

Y’all stay sovereign and strong.

Deo vindice.