See also

Following the ruling of the local authorities of the State of Colorado, starting from April 1st, Delta County schools will be supplied with...

The recent terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, sparked a new wave of controversy over the Second Amendment and the gun control debate in...

Many European mainstream politicians and journalists cry today crocodile tears about Syria´s ancient Palmyra under terrorist control. They express...

Realists believe that human nature is inherently flawed (a legacy of Hobbes’ anthropological pessimism, and even deeper, echoes of Christian notions...

Before starting to talk about counter-hegemony, we must turn to Antonio Gramsci, who introduced the concept of hegemony into the broad scientific...

Its is absolutely mesmerizing to consider how Donald Trump acquired the acumen exactly how to scewer the bohemian squares and the green elites.

Alexander Dugin reveals the deep state as a corrupt Western cabal, infiltrating the U.S. and Europe to manipulate elections, crush populist leaders...

We have been fighting desperately for eight months now, spilling rivers of blood, losing many lives, including innocent ones, breaking all ties and...

I think it was white liberals who deracinated the white ethnicities and destroyed Western civilization.  I think civilization was destroyed because...

Federal US prosecutors detailed some of the lurid allegations of sexual misconduct against former U.S. House speaker Dennis Hastert and asked a...

This interview by Pavel Kiselev with history and geopolitics expert Alexander Bovdunov addresses the current reality of Eastern Europe. The book that...

On December 6th, the Washington Post informed 1 that 33-year-old Michael J. Flynn the son of one of Donald Trump's advisers on the national security...

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