Taimur Khan

Mr. Muhammad Taimur Khan is a freelance journalist. He holds an M. Phil Degree in International Relations from  National Defence University, Islamabad. He wrote many research articles, Policy Briefs, Issue Briefs, Book Reviews and Monographs on topics related to International Relations.  

Author publications

Title Datesort ascending Language
IEA’s Mullah Yaqoob & his assertions against Pakistan 12.09.2022 English
La politica di sicurezza nazionale del Pakistan e il fattore Russia 01.02.2022 Italian
Pakistan’s National Security Policy and the Russia Factor 30.01.2022 English
È davvero iniziata la battaglia tra Pakistan e Qatar per l'influenza in Afghanistan? 20.10.2021 Italian
Has the battle between Pakistan & Qatar for influence in Afghanistan really begun? 11.10.2021 English
Pakistan-China Relations: The Epitome of Friendly Coexistence 06.08.2020 English
India’s 8th Stint as Non-Permanent Member of the UNSC 08.07.2020 English
General Bajwa's Visit to Kabul: Was it a Win or a Loss? 12.06.2020 English
Kashmiri Children: Victims of Indian State’s 08.06.2020 English
Pakistan-Sri Lanka Relations & Indian Insecurity 07.02.2020 English
Increasing Suicide Rate in the Indian Army - A Destructive Intangible 23.12.2019 English
Walking on Thin Ice 30.10.2019 English
Gwadar Port opens for Transit Trade 19.10.2019 English
TTP’s Strategic Gear-Shifting 10.10.2019 English
When will the World take Kashmir Seriously? 05.10.2019 English
Refusing Backdoor Talks: A Necessary Evil 30.09.2019 English
Ground Zero - Kashmir 27.09.2019 English
Khalistan Movement: Lest We Forget 03.09.2019 English
Peace and Stability: The New Norm in FATA 26.08.2019 English
Champions of Human Rights and their Conditional Morality 17.06.2019 English
Sri Lanka Easter Blasts: Who Benefited the Most? 10.05.2019 English
Mistaking Goodwill for Weakness – No Space for Mistakes in a Nuclear South Asia 04.03.2019 English
Fallacy Again - No Energy Projects of CPEC being Shelved 23.02.2019 English
Muhammad Bin Salman in Pakistan - Role of Opposition Parties and Media 20.02.2019 English
2008 Mumbai Attacks: Fallacy of India's 9/11 14.11.2018 English