The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), initially formed as a revolutionary group with the goal of combating the Pahlavi regime and establishing social justice...
The double standards of the French presidential candidate from the Republican Party.
American Professor/ Sr. Geopolitical Analyst
This analysis is a critique of the Zalmay Khalilzad's article that appeared in the Politico Magazine....
The conflict in Ukraine is still not over. In the West we are bombarded with information in favour of Ukraine and the Ukrainians. We forget that the...
Not far from the airport in Istanbul an explosion occurred.
As a result of this, one person was dead and at least two were injured.
It is reported...
An army unit targeted with artillery fire gatherings of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the villages of al-Mahatta and Jawalek in the northern...
The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Washington hasn’t yet provided any information that allows for pinpointing the coordinates of Jabhat al-...
Jihadists have attacked a military post in northern Burkina Faso, during which at least 11 soldiers were killed. In addition, terrorists have caused...
A 21-year-old Syrian refugee was arrested on Sunday after killing a pregnant Polish woman with a machete in Germany, the fourth violent assault on...
Eight decades ago in the late summer of 1940 the Wehrmacht's generals, at Adolf Hitler's behest, were beginning preparations for a massive invasion...
It is reported that during the riots that broke out last night in the French capital, 12 people were wounded, most of them - 8 people are law...
19 people were arrested in Kosovo, presumably they were connecting with ISIS and were suspected in the preparation and financing of terrorist acts on...