Luis Felipe Moyano (1946-1996), better known as Nimrod de Rosario, was an Argentinian writer who deeply and extensively studied comparative religions...
The Kurds are an Indo-European people who, from a certain point in time, began to play an important role in the area encompassing eastern Anatolia...
The conflict in Ukraine is still not over. In the West we are bombarded with information in favour of Ukraine and the Ukrainians. We forget that the...
Regardless of who is in charge in the US, Russia must take back what belongs to her, or at least what belongs to the Russian World: Novorossiya,...
Behind the neoliberal face of the Pacific Alliance, there is hidden a refined project of geopolitical engineering whose ultimate goal is to dynamite...
America is the nation at war since the hundred years to till now. More than 60 independent and sovereign states were destroyed directly and...
The year is 2123, and the world is very different. After some significant events and catastrophes, China and Canada have forged a military alliance,...
Foundations of geopolitics
1.1 Background: The German “Organic School”
Friedrich Ratzel (1844-1904) can be considered “the father” of geopolitics, ...
The strategic initiative on the complex Syrian battlefield seems to have swung in the favor of beleaguered President Bashar Al Assad. The Russian...
Qatar is a sovereign country situated at the northeastern coastal Arabian Peninsula, sharing only land border with Saudi Arabia to its south. Despite...
Over one hundred thousand migrants entered Greece in February
Source: http://www.infowars.com