Qatar is a sovereign country situated at the northeastern coastal Arabian Peninsula, sharing only land border with Saudi Arabia to its south. Despite...
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Bahrain, Qatar and Yemen announced a break in diplomatic relations with Qatar. Qatar was accused of...
Turkey's parliament has passed a draft bill allowing troops to be deployed to a military base in Qatar. It comes amid a diplomatic row between Qatar...
His hair reflects his scruples, shaved like a wheat field after summer. Square head, pursed lips and blue eyes as deep as Lake Michigan where he...
Prime Minister of Lebanon multi-millionaire Saad Hariri announced a new 30-minister government, which brought together the entire political spectrum...
Saboteurs from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine tried to organize terrorist attacks in Crimea.
When faced with Islamist terror, two very different explanations seem to be the most common. One is the line pushed by the liberal political and...
Over the past few days, several explosions have rocked Saudi Arabia. Today, explosive devices were found in the vicinity of the US consulate in the...
Radical Sunnis groups have named the governor of the Indonesian capital of Jakarta as a blasphemy suspect, November 16 th.
In fact, Basuki Tjahaja...
Mojtaba Mousavi
Emmanuel Macron, a "Useful Infidel," is not a supporter of terrorism or Islamism. It is worse: he does not even see the threat.
The former ‘closed zone’ in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf is gradually beginning to open op to Russia. Friendly relations are slowly starting to be...