The newspaper "Izvestia", citing a source in the Russian foreign policy circles voiced the possible options for responding to an attempt of Ukrainian...
The official website of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko claimed that the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised Ukraine to...
America must accept …
… the fact that after more than twenty years, Russia has returned as an historical force. It is a matter of political realism...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has participated in the launching ceremony of gas supply to the Crimea from mainland Russia
Putin said: “It is...
Czech President Milos Zeman stated today, that there is no possibility of "return of the Crimea in the Ukraine." Responding to the Czech portal users...
The First Vice-Premier of the Crimean government, Mikhail Sheremet, said that year-long blockade of food from Ukraine had greatly stimulated the...
The net continues to buzz about yesterday's press conference of the members of the French parliament visiting Crimea. In the beginning of the press...
Russian Ground Forces Commander General Oleg Salyukov stated that Moscow plans to form the divisions in the western and central regions of the...
In the days from 9 July to 2 August 2022, the 450th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army in the battle of Molodi occurs. In its meaning,...
Saboteurs from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine tried to organize terrorist attacks in Crimea.
Russian naval forces have announced three-day military maneuvers in the Black Sea amid growing tensions between Moscow and Kiev over the Crimean...
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is on an official visit to Russia. In Yekaterinburg, he delivered a public lecture and also met with...