Vladimir Putin sent condolences to the family of deceased journalist Darya Dugina

Vladimir Putin sent condolences to the family of deceased journalist Daria Dugina
Monday, 22 August, 2022 - 18:17

Vladimir Putin sent a message of condolences to the family of deceased journalist Darya Dugina

"Dear Alexander Gelyevich and Natalya Viktorovna, please accept sincere condolences and words of support in connection with the most difficult, irreparable loss that has befallen you.

A vile, cruel crime cut short the life of Darya Dugina - a bright, talented person with a real Russian heart - kind, loving, sympathetic and open.

A journalist, scientist, philosopher, war correspondent, she honestly served the people, the Fatherland, she proved by deed what it means to be a patriot of Russia. The memory of Darya Dugina will forever be preserved by relatives and friends, her like-minded people and associates. Strength and courage to you in this mournful hour."

President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

