Following the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential elections, the liberal, left-wing, and other related networks of globalist organizations...
"Nearly 50 Russian Marines were deployed to Kuweires Airbase on Thursday morning after a short stint in the Lattakia province that included trying...
Footage from Syria: Terrorists evacuated from Aleppo
The US has imposed new sanctions against Russia, for this time in relation to cyber-attacks. However, Moscow's involvement in them has not been...
The US presidential election starts today, November 8th. Traditionally, this event has attracted considerable attention from audiences around the...
A Russian military source announced on Friday that Russia sent an additional number of bombers to the Hmeimim air base in Lattakia.
Izvestia daily...
Terrorists have increased their activities ahead of the next week’s inter-Syrian talks, with insurgents in the Syrian province of Aleppo receiving...
During the recent meeting with Russian parliamentarians, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stressed the exceptional role of Russian leader Vladimir...
Government forces completely cleaned from militants the Air Force School and military logistics school in the south of Aleppo. On Sunday night...
The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces announced on Wednesday that a truce (regime of silence) is enforced across Syria for 72 hours.
As you know, “whoever pays, dances the girl,” and this is no exception for the US political system. Certain forces are interested in the victory of...
The activity of a Predator combat drone was recorded by a satellite of the Russian Aerospace Forces.