The arrival in Russia of the former CIA analyst, Edward Snowden, caused another new instance of discord between the United States and Russia, since...
“The era of liberal globalization is over. Before our eyes, a new world economic order is being formed”
A 64-member delegation headed by Minister for Trade and Industries for the Russian Federation, Denis V Manturov, has just concluded 4 days official...
Yeltsin destroyed the Soviet Union and with it the communist ideology. The ideologues of victorious liberalism—Yegor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais—built...
The RAND Corporation is setting new records in bias and partiality.
The political planners from America are well aware of the need for the timely...
It is now established that the US dollar’s status as a global reserve currency is eroding. When corporate western media begins to attack the...
After the US imposed new sanctions on Turkey for carrying out a military operation in the Kurdish territories in Syria, the divergence of interests...
In the world of international affairs, there are no permanent allies or adversaries; rather, only interests are paramount. This guideline is followed...
Pakistan is a peace loving country and its foreign policy seeks to promote the internationally recognized norms of interstate relations that include...
The Washington Establishment has reasserted control. First Flynn and now Bannon. All that are left in the Trump administration are the Zionists and...
Let us imagine that we, quite objectively, estimated the risks, and our analysis is correct. What should Russia do in such a situation? In levying...
Angela Merkel wants to get other European Union member countries to agree to step up sanctions against Russia because of its role in the war in Syria...