At the turn of the millennium, Irani’s President from 1997-2005, Mohammad Khatami, proposed the concept of dialogue of civilizations. Initially being...
On February 4, 2021 the Antwerp Court of First Instance in Belgium sentenced an Iranian diplomat to 20 years in prison, and three other defendants in...
One of the biggest problems of the Mojahedin Khalq Organization is the inability to maintain its members. If we have a look at the background of this...
Coptic Patriarch Pope Tavadros II, who was going to pay a visit to Greece and participating in the opening ceremony of the first Coptic church, has...
Yemeni army and national defense forces launched a new offensive against the invaders from the coalition, led by Saudi Arabia. The offensive began in...
Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Iran on Saturday, December 23 to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. This visit was the first one by a...
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will visit Kosovo today.
The aggressive attacks launched by the Democrats, although those were intended as a measure to discredit Donald Trump, will ultimately come back to...
The court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced 15 people of the 32 accused of spying for Iran to death. Most of them are Saudi soldiers of the Royal Saudi...
The Prince Turki bin Saud al-Kabir has been executed after a court found him guilty of killing a friend, in a rare example of a ruling family member...
The 6th International Conference of Independent Thinkers and Artists (New Horizon) will take place in Iran, Mashhad. The conference will host...
US Air Forces have attacked the positions of one of the divisions of the Iraqi government forces. During this incident 90 Iraqi soldiers were killed...