It’s very fashionable nowadays for people to criticize the Kremlin for incompetency, and its recent history of controversial decisions coupled with...
Well, it is possible that Washington’s elite forces will argue over the rapprochement between Turkey and Russia. They will argue like: “Look! Our...
A video has just surfaced where Erdogan brags about how Turkey's military operation in northern Syria has always been for the purpose of advancing...
To tell the truth, war has broken out. War has been "broken out". That war, which is most important now, is the confrontation of two civilizations:...
This operation shows an upswing in the rapprochement between Turkey and Russia. Last November, even before the crisis, Putin and Erdogan had met in...
On the 15th of July, 2016, sections of the Turkish armed forces launched a coup against the government of Turkey and its president, Recep Tayyip...
Turkey’s turn towards Russia began with the resignation of Ahmet Davutoglu in May 2016 and only strengthened after the failed pro-US coup on July...
А possible Russian-Greek alliance (cooperation in different directions) can frustrate some of the Turkish aggression against Greece, as well as...
A famous saying about Brazil is that it is "the country of the future". This saying may be taken as a hopeful one, pointing at the immense potential...
Obviously Obama and the CIA have made a serious misstep with the failed coup d’état in Turkey. We all know that they were behind it. We also know...
F. William Engdahl talks about CIA's Graham E. Fuller involvement in the Coup in an interview to Katehon:
On the 20th of January, the Turkish military in Syria began operation “Olive Branch”. It involved the participation of 72 aircraft, and the very next...