Today, the world stands at a crossroads—a dangerous yet transformative moment—marked by the collapse of traditional power structures and the...
I originally envisioned this article as a review of five semi-randomly selected books by esteemed Russian Professor Alexander Dugin. However, as my...
Luis Felipe Moyano (1946-1996), better known as Nimrod de Rosario, was an Argentinian writer who deeply and extensively studied comparative religions...
US National Security Adviser Herbert McMaster unexpectedly praised the outcome of the talks between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President...
The Kurds are an Indo-European people who, from a certain point in time, began to play an important role in the area encompassing eastern Anatolia...
Anchor: Omar Khalid Butt
Guest: Leonid Savin (Director Foundation for Monitoring and Forecasting, chief editor of Geopolitica.ru)
Producers: Aamir...
We meet the scholar Alessandro Fanetti, author of the book “Russia: in search of the lost power” (Edizioni Eiffel, 2021) [1], to face the reality of...
America is not just a continent which, more or less randomly, takes place in the far West on the maps of the world, but at the same time is,...
In the structure of the modern Western world, wars currently no longer serve the purpose of settling scores between two countries, moved by the...
Qatar is a sovereign country situated at the northeastern coastal Arabian Peninsula, sharing only land border with Saudi Arabia to its south. Despite...
Before starting to talk about counter-hegemony, we must turn to Antonio Gramsci, who introduced the concept of hegemony into the broad scientific...