Pro-abortion activists display cookies that are Baby-shaped with heads broken
‘The pro-abortion activists were devouring the baby-shaped cookies or breaking the heads off and laughing …’
Social media reports an apparent pro-abortion rally at the University of North Georgia held last week at which cookies in the shape of babies were consumed and had their heads broken off.
Photos of the baby-shaped cookies were posted online had signs underneath stating: “Abortion should remain legal because … my vagina is too pretty to let a fetus crawl out” and “Abortion should remain legal because … A women controls her own body.”
A third picture showed a cookie with its head broken off with a sign underneath stating: “Abortion should be legal because … It’s constitutionally protected.”
Katehon experts state on this issue:
Abortion worship is a sign of western decline. The western civilization celebrates murder of children because of materialistic values which have replaced christian morale.