On the 25th of May, 2018, the people of Ireland became the first population in human history to freely vote, in referendum, to kill their own young...
What is Byzantinism? Is it related only to the past or is it a picture of the future? And most importantly: is Russia a country that has a fate...
For the first time in the rank of Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill is paying a visit to France. Patriarch Kirill has already...
Russia as well as other Orthodox countries are marking the Baptism of Rus Day this Thursday.
The exact date when Kievan Rus adopted Christianity in...
The meeting was held behind closed doors.
However, that Syria and the situation of Christians in the Middle East is reported to have been discussed...
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops requires to excommunicate US Vice President Joseph Biden for active participation in the so-called...
In Paris during his tree-day visit Patriarch Kirill met with President François Hollande. Their conversation lasted about 40 minutes.
Eurasianism is a political trend nowadays, still few people realize its essence. In the official circles eurasianism is a political strategy concept...
The news is big, but we doubt whether it concerns the distracted masses or the thoughtful commentators in the post-election resuscitation. Netflix,...
Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila said that conscientious Catholics can not vote for Clinton agressors who is in favor of abortion.
In addition, the...
Non-governmental organizations, religious groups, and legislators have begun collecting signatures and putting pressure on the government.
During the opening of the XX World Russian People's Council, the important topic of which has been the realties between Russia and the Western...