According to a recently released UN report on the activities of the terrorist groups, the Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its splinter group...
“While every news-outlet in Pakistan fell into the trap of Avi Scharf’s propaganda against Pakistan, Israeli PM Natenyahu paid a secret...
International Eurasian Movement presents - "Rising Pakistan"
Many experts and political analysts have begun to think that Pakistan could be a...
Yevgeny Primakov, former director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and even a former Prime...
Pakistan was first placed on the grey list by the FATF in June, 2018 and was given a plan of action to complete it by October, 2019. Since then,...
For over two decades, Pakistan has been embroiled in a battle against groups that cloak their violent actions in religious rhetoric. Among the most...
New Af-Pak strategy veiled that the USA is not ready to leave Afghanistan for long-term geopolitical objectives because of extensive stay of the NATO...
Indian Prime Minister Modi-led BJP government has approved the construction of seven hydropower dams in the Kishtwar region including projects in...
Islamophobia in India at its peak since the arrival of Narendra Modi in the power corridors of India. After Modi’s arrival as PM of India and rise in...
India is the largest and multicultural democracy in the world. Pakistan is the second largest Muslim country in the world. One Fourth population of...
A 64-member delegation headed by Minister for Trade and Industries for the Russian Federation, Denis V Manturov, has just concluded 4 days official...
"Our relationship with Pakistan is a very good one. Thanks to these efforts, we are beginning to see signs of big progress with Pakistan, and we are...