Today, the world stands at a crossroads—a dangerous yet transformative moment—marked by the collapse of traditional power structures and the...
Chairman of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Svetozar Marovic, who was president of Serbia and Montenegro from 2003 to 2006 was arrested...
On February 15-16th, Brussels will meet the representative of Montenegro and NATO to discuss the conditions for admittance into the North Atlantic...
NATO does not only have military infrastructure on the basis of those nation states that are members of the alliance, but also a network of special...
Alain de Benoist, born in 1943, is a writer, philosopher, and public lecturer; director of the magazines Nouvelle Ecole and Krisis, and editorialist...
That Beijing had become the whipping boy to justify NATO’s eastward expansion was recently visible in plain sight. In the meeting marking 75 years...
Western Europeans see the Orthodox and eastern Christians as satraps and a bunch of smugglers, while the Orthodox regard the Crusaders as barbarian...
From the 13th of January 2011, violent incidents erupted in the northern Libyan cities of Bayda, Benghazi and Derna, which were directed against the...
As the struggle between the Land powers and the Sea powers continue around the world an interesting thing is happening on Iceland which has served as...
Facts should be enough to revert the West’s image of Russia. Personally, I cannot help feeling so much sympathy for Putin and the Russian people,...
The Atlantic Council is an American think tank in the field of international relations founded in 1961. It runs ten regional centers and functional...
The German leader just published what can be interpreted as his manifesto explaining why his country must supposedly restore its prior hegemonic...