In France, intruders who planned terrorist acts against one of the presidential candidates were arrested. The detention took place in Marseille, in...
French presidential candidate Francois Fillon announced on Wednesday that judges had summoned him to press charges over an expenses scandal but vowed...
The attack in Paris, in the cathedral of Notre-Dame, seems to condemn Islam without appeal to the role of a bloody and barbaric religion. Few know...
Part of the blood that flows through the veins of the Southern ethnos is French blood, both of the high-born that settled in places like New Orleans...
“An ambassador is a … gentleman sent to lie abroad for the good of his country.” (Attributed to Sir Henry Wotton, 1568-1639.)
Will the Real Fake-Newsers Please Stand Up? Justifiable concern about ‘fake news’ is being used by mainstream media outlets to produce fake news.
The protests in France, symbolized by yellow vests, cover an increasingly large part of society. Political experts have already called this movement...
Several attacks of migrants from the Middle East have shaken Germany and France during the last week. July 18 17-year-old Afghan teen, armed with an...
As a result of a lorry driving into a crowd, more than 80 people were killed on the Promenade des Anglais, and hundreds were injured.
On the...
Marine Le Pen, after announcing the results of the second round of president elections, said: "The French have chosen a continuation of the...
13 people were killed and six injured in a fire at the bar of the French city of Rouen. Fire engulfed a bar Le Cuba Libre, located in the city center...
Emmanuel Macron, a "Useful Infidel," is not a supporter of terrorism or Islamism. It is worse: he does not even see the threat.