Propaganda has always created its innumerable 'vulgates' primarily by simplification. When one delves deeper into analysis, one discovers that the...
The following work presents the major challenges of the international agenda for these Latin American Bicentennial times of independences that...
The government has been working on plans to respond to a potential crisis on the Korean Peninsula.
Discussions in the National Security Council have...
A U.S. Navy officer who was arrested Friday on charges of groping and punching a Japanese woman on a commercial air flight from the United States has...
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Agreement enters into force today. 195 states signed the agreement on climate change in December 2015.
There is plethora of reasons for meek economic growth in Pakistan. Instable law and order situation is the most lethal one. Because of terrorism...
Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada said Tuesday Japan plans to buy all the Tomahawk cruise missiles it is seeking from the United States in one go in...
Wright Mills' book,The Power Elite (1956), indicates that the key to understanding American concerns lies in the over-organization of its society.
For the second time in the history of the country of the Rising Sun a woman became Japan's defense minister. Today, this post was appointed to Tomomi...
On the issue of differences between the West and Russia, I am inclined to agree with Professor Dugin, who argues that Russia is not Europe. Europe...
Japan is counting on Russian help to gain access to the Arctic’s energy reserves. Japanese policymakers expressed diplomatic interest in the Arctic...
The big bankers of the world, who practice the terrorism of money, are more powerful than kings and field marshals, even more than the Pope of Rome...