Hungarian Prime Minister praised Donald Trump

Sunday, 24 July, 2016 - 10:00

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban praised the ideas on counter-terrorism and immigration proposed by Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for US president, dismissing him as a politician "brave" and urging the EU to respect the sovereignty of Member States.
"I'm not a promoter of Donald Trump. I did not ever think I'll start to think of all the options, Trump would be the best for Europe and Hungary", said Viktor Orban at Summer University in Baile Tusnad.

"But I heard the candidate for the US presidency and I must say he made proposals to fight terrorism. And I, as a European, hardly would have made better what is necessary for Europe," Viktor Orban said.

Prime Minister of Hungary accused the European Union that  it has a poor attitude in the face of what he sees as a fundamental threat represented by more than one million immigrants, who came to Europe last year.

"Secondly, this brave US presidential candidate talked about abandoning attempts to export democracy. I would not have said that more precisely," Orban added.

Hungarian leader believes that the West should stop exporting democracy and replacing the stable regimes by weak ones.

"If we will continue as a priority the promotion of democracy in unstable regions where it is unlikely to succeed, the implementation of this political system will generate instability, not democracy," Orban said.

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