“The era of liberal globalization is over. Before our eyes, a new world economic order is being formed”
But the fact that this is just a “mistake” cannot be said, since bright Russophobic headlines appear simultaneously with loud statements by officials...
In both spiritual and geopolitical domain Eastern geography represents a qualitative space in which East is the symbol of ontological plus and West...
Think tanks in today's world play an important role in shaping the political agenda. This essay briefly describes some of these types of...
In the days from 9 July to 2 August 2022, the 450th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army in the battle of Molodi occurs. In its meaning,...
It is now established that the US dollar’s status as a global reserve currency is eroding. When corporate western media begins to attack the...
The Great Russian Rectification of format or genre, of which Maxim Fomin was the petrel, is the second concept I'd like to discuss. Recently, in a...
The coronavirus epidemic wanted a ruthless and cruel tribute from Italy. The virus has hit hard, breaking lives, canceling projects, destroying...
Mr President, when delivering your Address [to the Federal Assembly], you were figuratively pulling trillion by trillion out of your sleeve. As a...
In essence, we are changing our ideology for the third time in 35 years. Until the early 1990s, society was under the dictatorship of Marxism-...
As you know, “whoever pays, dances the girl,” and this is no exception for the US political system. Certain forces are interested in the victory of...
When the European Union as a political institution was established on 1 November 1993 with the Maastricht Treaty, following the already established...