Despite the fact that research on globalization has been ongoing for decades, a clear definition of the phenomenon, accepted by the entire...
In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Alexander Dugin, the prominent Russian politician and philosopher and adviser to the Russian President...
I would like to ask all of you to get back to the year 2007 when Mr. Martti Ahtisaari acted on behalf of UN as the special envoy to Kosovo (UNOSEK:...
As the imperial media commemorate the 20th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center (an event akin to what the neoconservative crowd once...
Taiwan's lawmakers are reported to work on three bills to legalize the same-sex unions, while one of them is almost finished and will be probably...
“While journalist police try to replace engaged intellectuals, the hunt for the heretic, on the basis of absolute media consensus, has been...
We now have an embarrassment of ‘wars’ of which paradoxically, Ukraine is perhaps of lesser strategic import – though it does retain significant...
Michel Temer, Dilma's formerly-decorative VP, was confirmed as president of Brazil after Dilma's impeachment trial on August 31st. Temer ruled as the...
Global Crackdown On Black Money
During this weekend riots in France, the protesters did something profoundly symbolic, setting on fire the French Central Bank in Paris. Molotov...
The world’s eight richest people have a combined net worth of $426.2 billion, which is almost the same as the total wealth of 3.6 billion people on...