South Africa

Geopolitics of South Africa

Geopolitics of South Africa

Today, most countries in the Global South remain on Russia's side, considering it their most important ally and supporter. Many African states are dissatisfied with the Western policy of spreading “freedom and democracy” and are aware of the West's colonial past in Africa. Modern political scientists believe that the key to the formation of a new world order may be the foreign policy stance of a large number of developing countries on the African continent, which in turn demonstrate increasing independence from the “liberal” camp represented by the countries of the collective West.

Dishonorably Discharged: Jacob Zuma is Being Overthrown in South Africa


South African president Jacob Zuma is in danger of being impeached. His competitor Cyril Ramaphosa, along with the opposition, have tried nearly all ways to make him leave ‘honourably’. Now, radical actions are possible. has written before about attempts to impeach Zuma. Currently, the main formal claim against Zuma consists of the large amount of money (around 15 million euro) that the president spent on construction work in his private apartments.