See also

The Government of Canada has decided to resume funding of UN agencies for providing aid to Palestine refugees, which was terminated in 2010 under...

After his visit to Armenia, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrived in Kazakhstan. He is going to hold talks with his counterpart, Kazakhstan's...

The American withdrawal from the JCPOA, the famous nuclear deal between the United States and Iran, which at the time was also sponsored by Russia...

What has just taken place in Moscow is nothing less than a new Yalta, which, incidentally, is in Crimea. But unlike the momentous meeting of US...

Forouq Javidan Operation by MKO   After Iran agreed to the terms of UN Resolution 598[1], Saddam Hussein confessed at a closed-meeting that he fully...

- Western propaganda show picture about Iraq, where "shia oppress sunni" against the background of the battle against terrorism. Could you list the...

Following the reports of the "protests" in Iran, we cannot help but wonder if the immediate participants in these violent riots really know what they...

Iran’s ascent in the Middle East aligns with the emerging multipolar order, where regional powers assert their influence, further diminishing the...

The Trump peace plan for Palestine and Israel was announced jointly by two figures presently facing legal allegations in their respective states:...

 The results of the Iranian presidential elections last Friday 18 May clearly represent a turning point in the political life of the Islamic Republic...

The late President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran was a devoted advocate for the Palestinian cause, passionately and persuasively articulating his views on...

Preemptive Diplomacy of U.S. is much larger and deep that seems.

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