Socialists forced to re-engage national interest
Press Release of Marion Marechal-Le Pen and Gilbert Collard
Marion Maréchal-Le Pen and Gilbert Collard voted for the resolution, adopted by the National Assembly, insisting on lifting the EU sanctions against Russia, on Thursday, April 28th.
The European economic sanctions against Russia caused the Russian embargo on EU food products. Our farmers were taken hostage by French subordination to US foreign policy: closure of markets and lower prices for French agricultural products as the European market is full with German, Spanish or Polish products rejected by the Russians.
By supporting the sanctions, the Socialist government sacrificed our agriculture and national interests in favour of Atlanticist interests. Indeed, while our trade with Russia is steadily declining, the US continues to trade with the Russians, including in advanced technologies for military satellites. Also, Moscow remains a reliable and effective ally in the fight against the Islamic State: the lifting of sanctions would constitute a step forward in strengthening cooperation against jihadism in the Middle East.
The government should respect the will of the National Assembly by agreeing to lift the European sanctions. The ideological Russophobia of socialist executive power and its systematic alignment with Washington’s interests discredited the will of our Nation. The adoption of this resolution is an opportunity to re-engage the balance of policy that made France a well-known and respected state on the international stage.
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