The secret hands of western NGO's in Algeria
Curiosity led us to enter and dive into non-governmental human rights organizations and to open debate on their sources of funding. The facts that we have reached through our research are that these organizations are financed by a European foreign sources. We decided to study the seriousness of this funding through the constraints and direction of these international organizations, especially with regard to the exploitation in developing countries.
Ismail Maaraf, a doctor in political science and international relations and a political analyst, emphasized the issue of human rights NGO’s. This type of organization was founded on the idea of "citizenship," which means respecting the rights of individuals and groups. After the opening up of the world in the collapse of the former Soviet Union, where the idea of redrawing the map of the world emerged in a manner appropriate to the interests of Western countries and the United States of America in particular. He added that it is clear that the American model in ways of consumption as well as political and intellectual values has become the framework "model" that all people in the world should deal with and that, and any attempt to get out of this path means the vulnerability of these countries and peoples to sanctions, to marginalization at the international level.
As for the funding of non-governmental human rights associations by foreign sources, Dr. said that these associations, since their funding from abroad, were accused of their hostile activity, especially the disclosure of the regulations, such as the associations of "Zahwan Hussein" and "Yahya Abdel Nour" The associations added that during the black decade, they called for respect for human rights. And revealed in this context, many of the abuses, and this role also joined with the role played by Amnesty International / America International, or the so-called Freedom House, also abuses by some elements of security, and was calling for the need to transparency of these Which was considered by the Algerian authorities at that time to be a flagrant interference in the country's internal affairs.
All the interventions of non-governmental organizations, which the Algerian authority considered blatant interference, as well as the deterioration of the social, economic and political conditions, and the inability of the authority in the 1990s to confront these problems, resorted to restricting the remaining credibility of the Authority, "Civil society", where the sources of external or internal funding have been drained on the grounds that the money goes to terrorist groups. This was confirmed by Professor Farouk Qusantini when he said that human rights NGO’s had previously believed that Algeria is not fighting terrorism, casual. Armed terrorism was considered by non-governmental organizations to be an armed opposition and they stood against Algeria, thus supporting the terrorist groups morally. This was until 2001 the date of the September 11 attacks, where NGO’s returned to the right path and showed them that Algeria was fighting terrorism and not opponents, but according to him so far those who doubt the security and ask the question "who kills who?" Their timing is unreasonable. With regard to foreign funding, or foreign expression outside of civil society, lawyer Farouk Ksentini regrets, "If I were their place, I would not accept this funding."
In general, Dr. Ismail Maaraf said that it is impossible to speak of NGO’s with an oligarchic mentality. In other words, there is no concern about the role of constitutional institutions. As is the case in democratic countries, in addition to factions and regionalism and nepotism. All these factors say that the enlightened elites can not play their role, especially since the system has an information machine, whether on television, radio, written newspapers, through the so-called organizations that follow the parties "student organizations", and in this state knew how to take advantage of the situation. The deteriorating perception of the Algerian citizen, with 48% in Algeria, says that with the lack of awareness of the Algerian individual, the role of these organizations is very limited. In another context, the political analyst Ismail Maaraf criticized the way NGO’s operate and their direction. He inquired about the lack of discussion of the topics of people who die in the streets, environmental issues, and these are not human rights issues? To add organizations to consider their laws and also to enter the community.
According to specialists, non-governmental human rights organizations have a large association and an ideological relationship with international organizations, mainly the funding link. The main reason why human rights organizations do not resort to civil society is the above mentioned reasons. Another important reason is that Algerian society did not think of knowing the value and role of associations in achieving goals related to political and economic organizations. In European countries, it is composed of individuals who are educated in organizations that are the mouthpiece of society. They are called the "lobbies", as organizations that unite and form one voice to achieve one interest and become a body of pressure on the state.
The groups that exist today in the form of organizations, whether in Algeria or in the third world countries by very large percentages, do not seek to serve and achieve the interests of the society to which they belong, most seeking to achieve external goals, followed by international non-governmental organizations also driven by the total forces Political, economic, or international financial services that serve the interests of America and the West and serve directly Israel's interests. This is a prelude to indirect intervention by the states and gave an example to the State of Iraq, which started its case with human rights NGO’s.