Paul Craig Roberts speaks


Until recently, Greece and Italy seemed to be sharing the same ominous destiny: end up both of them dusted of their own riches to repay an international debt that proved to be irremediable. Like Greece, Italy has also welcomed an impressive number of immigrants not only from Africa but also from other parts of the world: the Welcome mantra has its apparent origin in Brussels, as well as the austerity policies that have been imposed to Greece and, for the moment still only partially, to Italy. All this is well embedded in a geopolitical turmoil that sees the juxtaposition between the United States and Russia always reach new excesses, despite Donald Trump's attempts to establish a better and more reasonable climate with Vladimir Putin's Russia.

What future for us Italians and for the world? This is the focus of my last interview with Paul Craig Roberts, a man who has become, over the years, a point of reference for those who want to understand the less obvious aspects of the reality that surrounds us.

Roberts speaks with his usual frankness and what he says is not at all pleasant and comforting, in opposition to the usual narration to which the great Italian and international media have accustomed us.

What Roberts presents to us is a potentially horrible future that starts with a grim present. How else to define a present in which the current American president ends up under attack by those same forces that should instead defend him and America and only because he tries to establish normal relations with Russia? Or a present in which the overwhelming power of the great international financial circles, gathered in a fractured Superclan, has been screwed up in a race to his own suicide, in which unfortunately it will also drag peoples and Nations?

I see little space for that bike of pride of the European Union that, according to Roberts, could save the situation. If it is true, indeed, that none of the American imperial adventures of the last few years would have been possible without the help and complicity of the European Union, it is also true that European rulers belong to the same Superclan that is on its way to its own end.

And here we return to Italy and its new government, which is on a collision course with Brussels and seems to want to carve out for us Italians some spaces of autonomy or independence that were unimaginable in the past: could the new Italian government of Giuseppe Conte be a contagious example? Only the future can tell us.

Here is the interview with Roberts:


Costantino Ceoldo – Pravda freelance