One Hope for U.S. and Europe: Asia's and Russia's Leadership


The beginning of the Silk Road, Xian, China. China's new Silk Road economic development policy, "One Belt, One Road", is open to all nations to join. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The collapse of the financial systems of the trans-Atlantic countries is close. It was just signaled in the announcement by the European Central Bank head, that it is now studying dropping "helicopter money" into bank accounts all over Europe; and in the German Central Bank chief's explosive public freakout against this hyperinflation plan. The central banks have tried every form of bailout for seven years, and the financial systems have reached the edge of a thorough collapse.

The nations now have to change policy dramatically and immediately, to save their economies and people from Wall Street's and the City of London's collapse.

And only one direction of change will succeed: to policies modeled on those of President Franklin Roosevelt — shutting down Wall Street's casinos, issuing national productive credit — but coordinated globally.

To do this, the leadership can come only from Asia: from China, Russia, and India.

China is building land-bridges across Eurasia into collapsed Europe, and perhaps even into the United States across the Bering Strait. Within two years, that nation plans to have spacecraft landed on the far side of the Moon, observing and studying the universe in ways never before possible on Earth or in orbit. It and India are now the world's most dynamic space faring nations.

China's "new Silk Road" policy of issuing credit and building continent-spanning bridges of new economic infrastructure, may also be on the verge of bringing economic development to the Mideast and North Africa. This is the basis for lasting peace and stability. Driving the New Silk Road development through the Mideast and North Africa, making war on the desert, is the only development perspective for that entire region. And it is the only basis for reversing Europe's "refugee crisis."

Vladimir Putin's Syria initiative has reversed the direction of Mideast affairs, toward negotiated peace and stability, for the first time since George W. Bush's disastrous war on Iraq.