See also

The recent flurry of writing on Russian politics, nationalism and Alexander Dugin shows the contemptible inability of western savants to apprehend...

Today, many people often speak about crisis of Europe. However, meaning of this term varies depending on point of view and position of speaker....

Such a demand was voiced by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn.

Pope Francis has encouraged Europeans to welcome refugees, calling authentic hospitality "our greatest security against hateful acts of terrorism."...

The irritating fact about modernity is that romanticism with its medieval nostalgia won’t die. The West for all its cyber intelligence and digital...

The general strike, which started yesterday at 16.00, is going on. Trade unionists, workers of public and private sectors, doctors, teachers, tax...

Brazil hosted the first round of municipal elections, the outcome of which will largely determine the further development of the situation in Brazil...

The total amount of public debt of Ukraine amounted to $70.97 billion at the end of December 2016. This amount is 8.3 percent, or by $5.47 billion,...

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reported that he is going to be in contact with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson soon, and they will...

First of all, the situation in Ukraine is not as simple as it is being described by the Western media and Brussels/Washington politicians. The...

In all eschatological currents of Christianity, the theme of the Antichrist manifests itself in one way or another. Thus, in the Russian schism it...

Gleichschaltung is an expression in German language used by Nazis, from the end of 1920s until 1935, to mark synchronization, aligning, phasing in...

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