See also

In some right-wing circles, what to say if you want identitarian or conservative, in the aftermath of each terrorist attack we witness the usual...

I consider myself to be an anti-Western ideologist in the fullest sense of the word. But I distinguish between Europe and the West. I believe that...

In Europe, where we whites are still the majority (¿for how long?), racism prevails against us, the autochthonous. However, according to the official...

“Peu de sièges et de nombreux combats” (“Few sieges and many combats”) ~ Marshal Turenne Not since the Peloponnesian War has there been an evolvement...

Western democracies are hollowed out by universalist individualism such as racism and genderism because these corrupt the unique human person as the...

On the morning of June 24, the world awoke to a changed Europe. With the so-called ‘Brexit’ referendum, the UK voted to leave the European Union, and...

Everyone wants to help Ukraine but no one knows exactly how. Time has passed, and yet nothing has changed. All tested methods of international aid...

While US President Donald Trump was giving his speech to the CIA spooks at their HQ on Saturday, the other wing of CIA spooks was cheering the...

The recent flurry of writing on Russian politics, nationalism and Alexander Dugin shows the contemptible inability of western savants to apprehend...

Online pornography is among the main causes of improper or deviant sexual behavior developed by children, pre-adolescents and adolescents....

Britain is terminally ill but it is not quite dead yet. A sickening veneer of civilisation still masks the cowardice of our emasculated and dying...

Today, many people often speak about crisis of Europe. However, meaning of this term varies depending on point of view and position of speaker....

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