See also

The government has been working on plans to respond to a potential crisis on the Korean Peninsula. Discussions in the National Security Council have...

The big bankers of the world, who practice the terrorism of money, are more powerful than kings and field marshals, even more than the Pope of Rome...

The Argentine human rights organization Mothers of Plaza de Mayo organized a 24-hour sit-in titled "March of Resistance" against the government of...

The Civilization of the West which was built upon Faustian values, finds itself in the latest stage of its existence: one dominated by uncertainty,...

The coming war as concept   The war against Russia is currently the most discussed issue in the West. At this point it is only a suggestion and a...

In all eschatological currents of Christianity, the theme of the Antichrist manifests itself in one way or another. Thus, in the Russian schism it...

Everywhere in the Western World governments act as if they are unaccountable to those they rule.  If you demand accountability from government, it is...

With the creation of man and the beginning of life, a great test awaited the children of Adam. At present, humanity is under such a test. The essence...

The era of portraying Russia as the „Evil Empire” is coming to an end, maybe not forever, but certainly in connection with two long-term factors....

 Global economic architecture is fundamentally weak and fragile and having multiple internal contradictions which emanate in different economic and...

There is a myth among the feminist wing of the liberal school of international relations that they often like to use and repeat to prove their case....

Afghan crisis entered into catastrophic and almost half of the Afghan population is under threat. A war-torn country, with almost no infrastructure,...

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